Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Dandridge Police Department is to maintain its highest level of professionalism, integrity, and equality. The Dandridge Police Department’s primary responsibility is to protect life, liberty, and property ensuring the highest quality of life for our citizens. The Dandridge Police Department ensures that the Constitution of the United States, all Tennessee State Laws, and City Ordinances are enforced. In remembrance of being the second oldest town in Tennessee, we are responsible for keeping our neighbor’s values in mind. The Dandridge Police Department will be known as a community oriented agency.

- Hand-Gun Carry Permit Class
- Handgun carry permit classes are held at the Dandridge Police Department. The cost is $65.00 and pre-registration is required. For more information regarding the handgun carry permit process and class requirements, please CLICK HERE!
- Upcoming classes are scheduled monthly. Please contact Detective Kenny Lodwick at 865-356-7423 or look for our post on the Dandridge Police Department Facebook page for scheduling information.
- Parade/Road Block Requests
- All request for parades or road block requests must be submitted to Rebecca Denkenberger at Public Works
- Prescription Drug Take-Back Program
- A container is available to drop off “pill or solid” form of medications during normal office hours located in lobby of Police Department
- R.A.D. (Rape, Aggression, Defense) Classes
- Records Processing: Records available from the Police Department are only for those which occur within city limits. The following are examples:
- Accident reports (roadways and private property)
- Arrest, offense, and incident reports
- Rescue 180 Meetings
- Held last Thursday each month from 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Executive Director Rev. Debra Shults at 865-640-4843
- Rescue 180 is a program to assist with addressing underage substance abuse
- For more information, visit the website www.Rescue180.com
Court Dockets
Municipal Court
Municipal Court
- handles class c misdemeanor traffic violations and city ordinance violations
- meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month, except during observed holidays
- begins promptly at 5:00 p.m.
- any reset requests must be made one week prior to court date
All citations must be paid no later than scheduled court date. To obtain accurate fee total, call the Records/City Court Clerk Rebecca Denkenberger at 865-397-8862 ext. 323 or fax request to 865-397-5849. Please include ticket numbers with all requests.
Payments Options
- In person at Police Department at 267 W Highway 25/70
- Payments can be processed between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. M, T, Th, and F. Wednesdays the office hours are 8:00a.m. – 6:00p.m. (closed on holidays)
- Cash, Cashier checks or Money Orders accepted (no personal checks)
- Credit/Debit Card
- A 3% transaction fee will be incurred for each transaction
- Online payments can be made by Clicking Here!
- Click Continue / Fill out each field / Manually enter Credit/Debit card information / Agree to terms
- A 3% transaction fee will be incurred for each transaction
- Click Continue / Fill out each field / Manually enter Credit/Debit card information / Agree to terms
Contact Information
Police Department, 267 W. Highway 25/70, Dandridge, TN 37725
Phone: 865-397-8862 Fax: 865-397-5849
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and Wednesday 8:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (closed holidays)
Office Extensions for 865-397-8862
- Police Chief Phillip Batts, ext. 301
- Police Records & City Court, ext. 323
- Handgun Class Instruction:
- Sgt. Chris Fair ext. 304 or Direct Line 865-484-9475
- Det. Kenneth Lodwick ext. 302 or Direct Line 865-484-9472
- Detective Lt. Kevin Bunch, ext. 303
- All other requests, ext. 323
Other Important Numbers
- Jefferson County Dispatch: 865-475-6855
- Call dispatch to request an officer or animal control.
- Jefferson County Justice Center: 865-471-6000 (Sheriff’s Dept., Circuit/ Sessions Court, Juvenile Court, Jail)
For emergencies, please call 911.
Anonymous Tips
If you would like to submit a tip of criminal activity that is not an emergency or an in-progress crime or information about the location of a wanted person and want to remain anonymous, you can contact East Tennessee Valley Crime Stoppers –
- Online: www.easttnvalleycrimestoppers.org
- Text: **TIPS
- App: P3 TIPS
- Call: 865-215-7165
- Facebook: Click the Submit a Tip link at https://facebook.com/easttennesseevalleycrimestoppersYou will remain anonymous and if your tip leads to an arrest you may be eligible for a CASH reward. Crime Does Not Pay. Crime Stoppers Does!